Anyone can benefit from a solution on their own or with an online consultation. Quantum Sonology’s wellness solutions consist of deactivating:
✔️ The triggers (words, actions, etc.) that cause recurring negative emotional reactivity and their physical consequences. The symptoms that result from this will tend to disappear, thanks to the deactivation of the root causes.
✔️ External disturbances with physiological consequences related to the emotional terrain of the person.
Checkinvertone Quantum Check-Up
In a single session, Checkinvertone accurately and objectively highlights the talents, emotional, instinctive and mental reactivities of the Beneficiary, as well as the risks of physiological consequences, all from its identity frequencies.
Arkhetone is a personalized deactivation solution for negative emotional reactions, as well as inherent physiological disturbances.
Arkhetone & Consultation
Arkhetone is a personalized deactivation solution for negative emotional reactions, as well as inherent physiological disturbances.
Clinique’s quantum frequency is a real booster that increases the effectiveness of your immune system in the following situations:
Clinique & Consultation
Clinique’s quantum frequency is a real booster that increases the effectiveness of your immune system in the following situations:
Eliminate all kinds of «curses» and alterations from any source.
Stop-Attack & Consultation
Eliminate all kinds of «curses» and alterations from any source.
Personalized homeopathic quantum solution accompaniment.
HomeoFractal & Consultation
Quantum solution for personalised fractal homeopathic accompaniment.
Deactivation of psycho-emotional reactivity leading to feelings of anxiety, if not more.
A frequency, quantum and personalized solution to disable the combination of STRESS and FEAR. Frequency problem, frequency solution.
Disables the molecules whose electromagnetic resonance is more or less toxic, depending on the name of each individual.
A remarkable quantum solution to improve your sports performance.
Quantum regulation of allergy protection systems.
Quantum vibratory field solutions
Personalized quantum stimulation of natural rejuvenation mechanisms.
The personalized quantum solution to recover the ideal weight.